Wrongful death

A child killed in a road traffic accident is devastating enough but to know that the person behind the wheel was under the influence and that the tragedy could have been prevented makes this kind of loss all the more painful.

There is no grief quite like the grief you face when you have lost a child, the natural order of life tells us that our kids should bury us and not the other way around.

Of course, the death of a child in any circumstances is deeply sad and painful. Its every parent’s worst nightmare to have to contemplate the fact that their child has passed away, even more so in the knowledge that the loss of your child could have been prevented.

We specialise in wrongful death suits involving children and are here to support you and your family to not only secure justice for your child but to make sure that another child doesnt suffer the same fate and that another family doesnt endure the same loss.

The loss of a child leaves a hole in the family that may never be healed. Especially if there are questions surrounding exactly what happened. During the different stages of grief you will visit a range of emotions from shock, to despair and anger. One of the hardest parts of grief is acceptance, while at first friends and family rally round to offer support, eventually, they will go back to their lives and daily routine while you are still stuck for answers and wondering “why me, why my child?”.

The impact a fatal road traffic accident, lasts for a lifetime and this senseless loss affects not just you as a parent, it can leave other children struggling to understand why their sibling was taken so soon, it may also affect your relationships.

Being left to pick up the pieces after a traumatic event like this can leave you with financial costs beyond funeral expenses such as counselling and other therapeutic services that can help the healing process. You may have had to take time off work which may have left you with financial worries and other expenses that you had never considered.

While no amount of money or apology can bring back what you have lost, getting the answers you need can help you to at least try to make sense of what happened and why it happened. More than money, having those at fault held accountable for their actions can give you the comfort of knowing that what happened to you, wont happen to anyone else.

We cant change what has happened but we can work together to help you look to the future with some hope as you try to put your family and lives back together.

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