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Teacher Neglect

A school is only as safe for your child as its teachers and classmates.

Most parents think private schools are safer.

I think private schools create a false sense of security.

While statistically you may have decreased the chances that your child will be exposed to abuse, bullying, violence, drugs, molestation by dropping off your child to a expensive private school that does not give your family or child a magic bubble or some immunity from societal problems.

Although it may feel like there should be less reason to be vigilant this is a trap for the unwary.  The random but foreseeable and preventable event still happens.

Teachers may be employed who are not background-checked properly.

Drugs and drug deals for illicit and dangerous substances can happen right under the noses of school management.

Well to do students may have exchanged street violence and ghetto drive by shootings and gangs for the safety and comfort of their own homes, their parent’s own medicine cabinets to access their drugs and liquor cabinets to access booze.

They may come to school high as a kite and the private school’s teachers, especially those with sheltered backgrounds or religious prohibitions in their communities may be totally unaware and unfamiliar with the look of your child and other classmates on drugs.

Students may be improperly supervised or inadequately monitored. Honor students can take drugs just as easily as D students and often the pressures upon Honor students are not fully appreciated by the educators. 

When a teacher or the school management either causes harm and injury directly or negligently permits it to happen to your child, please contact me to discuss it.

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