Message to parents

A Special Note to Parents of a Seriously Injured Child
As parents of a seriously injured child, your life has changed too. Some of you have to quit your jobs, sell your homes, relocate to be close to special rehabilitation centers. The bills pour in. Personal and family relationships may be stressed out to the max. Please recognize that your life is not over, and begin to take a long term perspective that accounts for the emotional well being of both you and your injured child.
Loving parents often think that it would be selfish to also think of taking care of themselves, their relationships, and their own lives. In certain circumstances it may actually be best for your child if you consider your own immediate health concerns also to be a priority. Flight attendants remind you that if oxygen masks come down in an emergency, to put yours on first before putting one on your child. This kind of decision is not a selfish act. You have an obligation to your child that includes keeping your own long term physical health and emotional well being. Do not miss taking your own medications or getting important health checkups. Your longevity and physical assistance capability are now even more important to your child.
Taking care of your seriously injured child may cause you to experience extreme financial hardship, stress, and fatigue. By taking steps to preserve your well being, you are positioning yourself for the best possible outcome for both yourself and your child. Some of you will be sleep deprived and suffer panic attacks, need supportive mental health counseling, spiritual counseling, anti anxiety medications, attend support groups. Under stressful conditions you might seriously consider accepting a money compensation offer that you otherwise would not have thought was acceptable, and you may later come to regret your decision.
Learn about your legal rights, time limits and money compensation. Get a free legal consultation without any pressure to sign anything or commit to anything. I am here to help you and to get Justice for your child.