Bounce House Accidents

The reality is that other children bounce off your child.

Not every Bounce House has a nice, soft, bouncy landing for your child.

I have handled a variety of Bounce House child accident claims.

Sometimes the Bounce House was part of a County Fair. Other times it was a Birthday Party rental, delivered on site and inflated by a fellow who bought it used and hired a school kid to act like a supervisor wearing a Tee Shirt with a Logo to make the parents feel that the Bounce House was responsibly provided and managed. There have also been fracture accidents at fixed retail locations with multiple different Bouncy Houses, separating children by height and age.

The paperwork that a parent signs may be important, but I cannot give you good advice as to how big a issue the paperwork such as releases and at your own risk or signages are until we speak, because each State is different in this regard.

Plus, the status of the child and the parent may make a difference. Was the child a guest at the party, or the child of the Bounce House renter; how old was the child- because below a certain age there may be presumptions of responsibility to self protect/ commit acts of comparative negligence.

Some key points that I frequently see:

Unskilled or untrained personnel attendants

Lack of Attention and Supervision

Improper/Unsafe mix of ages and sizes

Bullying and Horseplay not prohibited

Bullies and Reckless Children not removed or prohibited

Children spaced too closely going down the slides

Not enough time for Children to clear the slide area

Children with Injuries not given immediate and correct medical attention

No accident reports

Employee files missing

No employee background checks for sex offenders, abusers

Inadequate insurances

Fly by night vendors

Improperly maintained equipment

It makes sense to pick up the phone and let me walk you through the possible claims, while you give me the facts. The consultation is free.

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