Brain Injury

The brain of a infant is like a snow globe, shaking can make a lot happen.

As you expected, accidental brain injury to a child, baby, adolescent or teenager can be of far greater consequence than a brain injury to a adult, even if a parent and child are in the same car accident.

All the amazing biology of growing is not so helpful when it comes to a car accident that causes a child to be severely brain injured.

If a car accident has caused severe accidental brain injury before the adult brain is fully
formed, there can be possible consequences and complications such as interruption of needed nutrients, oxygen, hormones that are critical to the development of the brain and
actually may also be critical to the overall growth and development of the child.

For your child’s brain injury case I will use only top- notch neurology experts with highly respected training.

They will consult extensively with me and I will produce a comprehensive tactical plan for the most forceful presentation of evidence. (?Internal link)

In my experience, many people think the brain has different sections to it like a car has.
A motor, a tire, a steering wheel. Obviously each of these parts has a specific function.

If you want to get fancy about it, a car has lots of these parts interconnected with wiring, and there are different systems in use. From the gasoline system, we get the carburetor or fuel injection. Electricity might be part of the energy component, too.

[Image suggested : color map of the brain] Caption: Child Brain Injury from Accident (?)
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The brain has lots more complexity because a single part might perform multiple function.
All the systems are pretty much interconnected.

The parts for one system or for different functions might need to coordinate with each other but be located in multiple spots within the brain.

Recent scientific information regarding the way a child’s brain works has been creating a huge upheaval in the medical community. Literally rethinking how we think.

Brain mapping has revealed over 100 new areas that respond to different brain functions.

I have experience with all variety of brain injury. Frontal lobe injuries, concussion, depressed skull fracture, just to name a few.

Mark J. Leeds, PA Law Firm Call Us - (888) 446 1999
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