A special note to parents

A special note to parents of a seriously injured child.

Your life has changed too. Many of you have to quit your jobs. Some of you have to sell your homes, to relocate near specific rehabilitation centers.

The best and most loving and caring parents feel they must be so very strong in their loving support and caring actions.

At a desperately difficult time like this, the most loving parents think that would be selfish to also think of taking care of themselves, their relationships, and their own life.

The bills pour in. Personal relationships and marriages are stressed out to the max.

I am not suggesting that you take a cruise trip, buy a new car, or even go out to watch a movie.

I am however suggesting that you anticipate and recognize that your life is not over, and that you also have a obligation to yourself, so that you can preserve your own long term health and emotional well being.

Some of you will need your own mental health counseling, spiritual counseling, or anti anxiety medications, experience interrupted sleep patterns and depending upon your individuals situations, you maybe tempted to relapse past addictive tendencies. I have seen single parents especially obtain great benefit from attending support groups.

By taking steps to preserve your own emotional well beIng, you are positioning yourself for the best possible outcome for both you and your child.

The stress of extreme financial hardship and fatigue that you are also experiencing by taking care of your accident injured child might make you seriously consider taking money compensation offers that you otherwise would not think of accepting.

Your baby’s accidental brain or head injury car accident personal injury claim should not be settled quickly.

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